Screening Services

letter tiles spelling the word achieve
letter tiles spelling the word achieve

Screening for likelihood of dyslexia (individual screening for children and young people aged 8 upwards)

This can act as a first step for parents or schools who may have concerns about a child’s progress. It identifies areas of vulnerability, which can then be targeted for support. Further assessment will be recommended where need is indicated.

I use the new and highly acclaimed assessment tool, the Tests of Dyslexia (TOD-C), published 2024.

What's included:

  • Analysis of background information and samples of free writing (requested prior to assessment).

  • Administering of selected subtests to give a Dyslexia Diagnostic Index (approx. 50 minutes).

  • Verbal feedback to interested parties after scoring

  • Summary report of findings with key recommendations, within 5 working days

Screening to identify risk of reading difficulty in younger students (individual or small group screening)

With individuals or small groups of children at Key Stage One, whose progress is of concern, and for whom early identification of difficulties and intervention are fundamental to future reading success.

I use the Screener from the Tests of Dyslexia (TOD-S), published 2024.

What's included:

  • Meeting with teachers/analysis of information provided by teachers prior to assessment

  • Administration (approx 20 minutes) and scoring of subtests

  • Feedback to teachers with recommendations for next steps

girl sitting while reading book
girl sitting while reading book


£50 for individual assessment.

Price per day and group prices dependent on numbers of students



(if a full diagnostic assessment is then decided upon, the cost of this screener will be deducted from the assessment price)

Please be aware that although a good starting point, a screener is not a full diagnostic assessment, and cannot provide a diagnosis of dyslexia or SpLD.